The Unjustified Reign of Keyword-Driven Candidate Screening: A Hard-Hitting Analysis

In today’s competitive job market, organizations are inundated with a deluge of resumes for every open position. To streamline the hiring process and manage this influx, many companies have turned to Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) that rely heavily on keyword matching to screen potential candidates. However, this automated approach is not only inefficient but also unjustified, leading to significant drawbacks and missed opportunities in identifying the best talent for the job.

The Unjustified Reign of Keyword-Driven Screening

The use of ATS software has become ubiquitous in modern recruitment practices, with the promise of saving time and effort by quickly filtering through a large volume of resumes. These systems are programmed to scan resumes for specific keywords related to job requirements, skills, and qualifications set by the hiring team. Candidates whose resumes contain these keywords are then flagged for further review, while those lacking them are often discarded without human intervention.

However, this reliance on keywords overlooks the nuances of a candidate’s experience, achievements, and potential cultural fit within the organization. It fails to capture the full scope of a candidate’s capabilities beyond what is explicitly stated in their resume, leading to a narrow and incomplete view of potential candidates.

The Unintended Consequences of Keyword-Centric Screening

Keyword-driven screening can have severe consequences for the recruitment process and the future of the organization:

1. Ineffective Candidate Evaluation: Relying solely on keywords overlooks the nuances of a candidate’s experience, achievements, and potential cultural fit within the organization. It fails to capture the full scope of a candidate’s capabilities beyond what is explicitly stated in their resume.

2. Perpetuating Bias and Discrimination: Keyword matching can inadvertently perpetuate bias in hiring by favoring candidates who use specific industry buzzwords or have certain educational backgrounds. This can result in overlooking qualified candidates from diverse backgrounds or unconventional career paths.

3. Wasted Opportunities for Hidden Gems: Exceptional candidates who possess valuable skills or experiences not captured by standard keywords may be unfairly excluded from consideration. Creativity, adaptability, and potential for growth are often overlooked in favor of rigid keyword criteria.

4. Negative Candidate Experience: Candidates who feel their applications are being judged solely on keyword matches may perceive the hiring process as impersonal and dehumanizing. This can damage the employer brand and deter top talent from engaging with the organization in the future.

5. Identify incorrect candidates: This has been a recent experience, where in based on a few key words, the hiring team is short listing potential candidates, when reviewed / test evaluated / interview – these candidates are found lacking in their relevant skills as quoted on their problems.

The Need for a Holistic Approach

To address the shortcomings of keyword-driven screening and enhance the quality of candidate selection, organizations must adopt a more holistic approach to recruitment:

1. Define Clear Job Requirements: Instead of relying solely on keywords, hiring teams should clearly outline the essential skills, experiences, and qualities required for each role. This ensures that screening criteria are aligned with actual job needs.

2. Utilize Technology Wisely: While ATS systems can be valuable tools for managing high volumes of applications, they should be used as aids rather than substitutes for human judgment. Combining automated screening with manual review can help identify top talent more effectively.

3. Emphasize Soft Skills and Potential: Look beyond technical qualifications and prioritize soft skills such as communication, problem-solving, and adaptability. Assessing a candidate’s potential for growth and cultural fit can lead to more successful long-term hires.

4. Implement Diverse Hiring Practices: Actively seek out candidates from diverse backgrounds and experiences to foster innovation and inclusivity within the organization. Encourage hiring teams to look beyond traditional metrics and consider a wide range of perspectives.


In conclusion, the reign of keyword-driven candidate screening is not only inefficient but also unjustified. It leads to missed opportunities, bias, and subpar hiring decisions. By adopting a more balanced approach that combines technology with human judgment, organizations can improve their ability to identify top talent that aligns with their values and goals. Embracing diversity, emphasizing potential over checkboxes, and prioritizing candidate experience are key steps towards building a stronger workforce capable of driving innovation and success in today’s dynamic business landscape.

Work Life Balance – Is it a Myth or a HR Jargon or Practiced in reality?

Work-life balance in the IT world / industry can be a complex and a difficult issue, as the nature of the work often involves long hours, tight deadlines, and high-pressure situations. While achieving work-life balance in the IT industry can be challenging, it is not impossible, work-life balance is an essential concept, it can sometimes be challenging to implement effectively in real-life organizational setting, but many organizations within the industry are actively working to create a more balanced environment.

I remember during the pandemic, when the entire (I would say about 98% of us) were working from home, It was very worrying for me, if someone called me and I was not in front of my laptop (could be a washroom break, or gone to answer the doorbell), it was assumed that I am not working, Where as when you are in office and people see you once and then you are not on the seat / or your place, it is acceptable – I can spend a whole 1 hr. chatting with someone in cafeteria and that would be considered just fine. My issues are a little different as people behave differently as the policies and the leadership approaches are erratic.

Why do we have challenges in maintaining the Work-Life Balances at our workplace, with my decent experiences of working across the globe and for different types of organizations, I have got some interesting thoughts here – which may resonate with you, Do check them:

Inadequate Project Management and Planning: Poor project management and planning can play a significant role in work-life balance. Unclear communication, unrealistic deadlines, and no proper resource allocation – all these aid to excessive workloads and the need for constant overtime. Prioritization and efficient time management are crucial in maintaining a healthy work-life balance. The 1st principle for good work and time management – here goes for a toss.

Lack of Boundaries: In some work environments, there is a blurring of boundaries between work and personal life. With advancements in technology, employees may find it difficult to disconnect from work, as they are constantly connected to their devices and expected to be available outside of regular working hours. This lack of boundaries can erode work-life balance and lead to a sense of being “always available.”

Limited Support Systems: Despite having work-life balance policies in many companies, organizations may not provide the necessary support systems to help employees achieve balance. For example, inadequate childcare support or limited access to wellness programs can make it challenging for employees to effectively manage their personal commitments alongside their work responsibilities.

Cultural Expectations and Peer Pressure: In certain workplace cultures, there can be unwritten expectations that employees need to constantly be available and put work above everything else. Peer pressure and cultural norms within the organization may discourage employees from prioritizing their personal lives or taking time off, even when work-life balance policies are theoretically are existing. It is just a hoax to have such policies in the 1st place – Not sure how employee (including me) falls in such trap.

Long Working Hours Culture: A variant of the above mentioned point, many industries and organizations have a prevalent culture of long working hours, where employees are expected to work well beyond their designated hours. This culture often undermines work-life balance, leading to increased stress, burnout, and a lack of time for personal commitments or leisure activities. Organizational culture and expectations can make it difficult for employees to truly achieve balance as needed in life.

Demand for 24/7 Operations: The IT industry often operates in a 24/7 environment, particularly in areas such as software development, cybersecurity, and IT support (this is the nature of business). As we go global, the customer wants solutions and resolutions to their challenges and problems during their day-time – which could be off-hours for people working in different time zone.  This can lead to employees being on call or working irregular hours, which can impact work-life balance. However, organizations can implement measures such as shift rotations, adequate staffing, and clear expectations around availability to help mitigate the negative effects. (I would state a few organizations have performed Shift approaches, extra cash, transport facilities and others to help their employees work effectively)

Final Approach:

It is important to note that while these elements as stated exist, there are also organizations that prioritize work-life balance and successfully implement policies and practices that support their employees’ well-being. However, the challenges mentioned above highlight the need for organizations to go beyond policies and actively create a culture and environment that values work-life balance, promotes flexibility, and supports employees in achieving harmony between their personal and professional lives.

While work-life balance in the IT industry may present unique challenges, organizations are increasingly recognizing its importance and taking steps to address it. By implementing policies and practices that support flexibility, well-being, and effective project management, the industry can create an environment that enables employees to achieve a healthier work-life balance. However, it is important to note that the extent to which work-life balance is achievable can vary between organizations within the industry, and it may require individual efforts as well.

Scrum Master Effectiveness – Improve your People Management Skills and work the Magic

This article is based and drawn on my Scrum Master, Product Owner, and Agile Coach experiences over a period of many years across different domains and industries and not to forget the geographies that I have worked in.

Beyond my fundamental training on Scrum and Agile, I had the privilege of working with and learning from highly competent, ethical professionals who had provided me ample opportunities to learn, make mistakes, and re-apply my learnings. People with whom I have been associated have practiced “Fail Fast” and showed me directions on how to prepare for the future. They have guided me to deal with stakeholders who need to be managed at a different level (as each of them was a different personality – No One size that fits all)

Everyone wants to succeed, but regardless of many forms of success, one must also be successful in dealing with others.

While there are many attributes that contribute to the growth and behavior of an individual, I have listed down what worked for me and helped me in my agile coaching journey.

Positive personal effectiveness is achieved when we can ethically win confidence, respect, and cooperation in our dealings with others (they could be your Seniors or Juniors).

Scrum Master’s job is to work with others; they cannot delegate this nor can they avoid the required interaction. For Scrum Masters to be successful, they should practice the below mentioned nine people skills for ‘Self-Improvement and Effectiveness’.

  1. Personal Ethics
  2. Adaptability
  3. Tact
  4. Creditability
  5. Intercommunication
  6. Persuasiveness
  7. Objectivity
  8. Initiative
  9. Self-Discipline

From the above one would spot over-lapping approaches across many skills like Intercommunication and Persuasiveness vs. Tact.

Personal Ethics

It is thefirst people related skill that any individual should develop, and it applies to a Scrum Master also. It is basic to establish and maintain a high standard of excellence in the practice, life and behavior. Good character, stemming from good ethics, is a quality of leadership and it distinguishes any leader from others. It inspires well-founded and reciprocal confidence and trust of others in you.

I learnt in my career that the best and most successful people at the top (like Ratan Tata) were those who displayed and practiced personal ethics and took personal responsibilities toward their own people, project, organizations, employees, and society at large.

Consistent reliance on personal ethics should be our guiding principle in our personal encounters, which would inspire others to follow the same pattern and principles.

This should be the default element of any Scrum Master and bare minimum traits to have. There cannot be any compromise on this front.


Not everything would always go as per plan. It is important for us to be adaptable, especially in our project environment, where requirements can change, scope gets impacted, estimates go for a toss, – and the delivery of the MVP is at risk. This is the place where adaptability as a people skill would help us bring harmony to our attitudes and actions in our dealings with the situation and economic environment.

The required degree of adaptability varies with the situation, at times it would be temporary or minor in nature and at others, it would cause a major impact in our dealings and thought processes.

Experience has taught me that however crucial the circumstances may be, adaptability with a cool and collected mindset helps in managing the situation better.

The product owner could be putting pressure on the team, teams may have internal conflicts and challenges to deal with, or the market situation may not be as per our needs or plans. To deal with all these situations, adaptability is required. There is no substitute for the same.

Every project would demand a certain amount of adaptability, as its needs and goals would be different than your prior experiences. As a scrum master one would play multiple roles in a day-to-day affair of the product development. Depending on the need, one would act as a wise counselor or demonstrate as an inspiring mentor or display compassion. Scrum Master should know that change is inevitable and would have an overarching impact. A Scrum Master who can adapt to   these changing situations would be able to survive and thrive in the business.


Scrum Master needs to master the art of tact in dealing with the team, PO and stakeholders including the leadership and show genuine concern for their situation and feelings. Tact as an approach cannot work alone, it has to be used with other personal effectiveness traits and people skills.

Lacking tact can be a costly impediment to personal effectiveness. How can we avoid conflict with someone who takes a totally arbitrary posture of disagreement? Now look at these 2 statements –

“Please tell me a little more about how you came to this conclusion.”

“I don’t agree with you.”

The first one might prevent antagonism, but the latter  one would more likely cause it.

This is what we call tact – an important parameter in our approach to dealing with people. Self-control under pressure is a powerful tool of discretion. Lacking tact as a skill could be a costly impediment to personal effectiveness. A practical guide to improving your handling of situations with “tact” should consider these three elements:

  • Perception
  • Discretion
  • Empathy

Tact is more about mutual respect for other parties involved in the situation or discussions.


Credibility is an essential attribute that is built upon elements of Trust, Integrity, Reliability, and Commitments. Credibility lends its power to personal effectiveness as it helps you earn the genuine respect, trust, and confidence of others.

Imagine a Scrum Master with credibility issues. Will they be able to lead the team, or will the team respect such a person?

Commitment and promises are a necessity in every part and type of job that we do. Breach of these would have issues on credibility of the person, whether it is in the society, organization, project, or family. A person’s past performance creates a track record which builds up credibility.


Intercommunication is a synthesizer to all the other elements as discussed in this article. Intercommunication capabilities create the power to use all the skills more effectively. A good communicator conveys messages, ideas, thoughts, suggestions, and intentions clearly and concisely, while displaying the reciprocal interactions – listening, hearing, and evaluating the comments and feelings of others. This is a common element of Scrum Master’s daily job.

The effectiveness of Scrum Master’s communication is always reflected in the responses they receive, whether in action or attitude or words. These responses are an excellent ongoing opportunity for evaluating the style of our communication. If the Scrum team’s performance matters, it needs to have excellent communication from Scrum Master. Scrum is a high-intensity team sport. Good communication is one of the essential elements to build a robust Scrum team. Lack of communication or poor communication will invariably cause your Scrum team to fall apart.

Signs of poor communication

Here are the most common indicators of improper communication that you as a Scrum Master should be careful about:

  1. Using a monologue over a dialogue
  2. Disregarding the feelings of others
  3. Being subjective/vague
  4. Resisting feedback
  5. Lack of shared language of communication


It is an art of gaining approval, acceptance or agreement when presenting your thoughts, ideas, plans, suggestions, and opinions to others.

It is one of the most valuable skills for the scrum master to have, as it leads to gaining cooperation, and a greater success in our dealing with the situations and people.

Quite often, traditional managers can be very autocratic when they delegate their authority. Scrum supports empowerment. Self-analyzing and self-organizing teams decide the best course of action. At times, it becomes necessary to advise the team to follow the Scrum process or carry out a particular activity. Generally, the teams respond positively by listening to the scrum master and engaging with the task. However, if the team fails to respond in time, or fails to respond positively, it may be required to engage with the team so it can comply. This is where the attitude comes in – the Scrum Master can either instruct the team or discuss the issue and persuade the team to respond positively.

An autocratic attitude is frowned upon by the team, and at an individual level, it may become difficult to avail the team member’s cooperation. The servant-leader role suggests that a scrum master should refrain from delegating his or her authority. Instead, the person should persuade the team member to cooperate.

Persuasiveness forms an integral part of well-defined communication. It is derived from competence, convictions, and ethically driven behavior.


Being objective helps to evaluate the situation, data, information which would be un-influenced by emotions, beliefs, or any personal preference. For a Scrum Master maintaining objectivity – an unbiased perspective when dealing with others and doing so fairly – is vital to achieving personal effectiveness. Objectivity is closely linked to credibility.

For objectivity to survive, an open mind is required, or should I say, it is the bare minimum requirement. An open mind would allow the Scrum Master to have the freedom to evaluate possible choices. A closed mind would rob us of these advantages.

Scrum Masters should be careful about objectivity as per social science research. This is difficult and arises out of the adverse influences of the following:

  • Personal prejudices and bias
  • Value judgement
  • Ethical dilemma  
  • Complexity of social phenomena

A clear objective of Scrum Master should be to focus on the development and dissemination of knowledge and skills which are required to exploit the potential of the latest technologies and have collaborative design and working environment.


This is an approach or a skill, where the Scrum Master converts an idea into action. The focus is to find if the idea would work, and whether we should pivot or throw away the thought.

A good product is well-crafted when engineering practices are in place with good effect.  Scrum Master should arrange workshops on coding guidelines, designs, tools, and different engineering practices. Arrange a workshop for the team members where you can discuss or try a new tool, current architecture, latest technology, build-process, and do much more. This can be implemented by reserving time for the workshop and organizing an arbitrator who can be from the team.

Never have a laid-back attitude with your team or product, or when dealing with the stakeholders. Play on your front foot and move forward.


It is the ability to control one’s impulses, emotions, desires, and behavior. Agile transformation is all about self-disciplined team members. When we find discipline is missing, we do not get the value flow from the team to the end users. Self-discipline is important because it gives the Scrum Master the opportunity to excel in their professional life. It helps establish a set work routine and holds one accountable for the goals by pushing them to pursue advanced job opportunities.

Self-control is discipline in the face of pressure from an immediate urge, desire, or compulsion. It relates to delaying immediate gratification of the senses. Its struggle is the conflict between intellectual knowing and emotional desiring. It is the choice between physical and psychological satisfaction now vs. the hope or expectation of something better later.

A Scrum Master is required and expected that they would maintain a high degree of self-control and discipline.

Because self-discipline is a learned behavior, Scrum Master should make the choice to develop it. It’s important to set clear goals and have a solid plan for how they’ll achieve them. Knowing where we’re headed makes it easier to stay focused and avoid distractions. Here are a few steps you can follow to become self-disciplined:

  • Know your current situation
  • Define your expectations and set goals for yourself
  • Push yourself to meet your goals
  • Measure your progress
  • Learn from the situation
  • Reward yourself when you accomplish it
  • Identify your areas of improvement
  • Repeat the cycle – have a defined frequency

Remember there is no magic – it is all about you, your behavior and ability to handle complex, difficult situations, when the career and aspirations of people are involved. It is a delicate balance and Scrum Master needs to walk the tight rope.

Always inspect and adapt.  Be the servant leader that Agile expects you to be.

Conflict – Is it Good or Bad – It depends on how you treat it within your Team

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Hiring of Leadership in an Agile Organization

This was in my Product Backlog for a long time, and I always wanted to jot down a few of my debatable thoughts (as others may not agree with my views) on how to identify the skills that we should look for when hiring for Leadership roles for an organization that follows Agile ways of working or is at very advanced stages of adoption and transformation.

Visualize that your organization is in a steady and stable Agile way of working. Across the board (including non-IT functions are also implementing Agile ways of working like Kanban and your product development teams are involved in Scrum or Kanban as the need may be). Your organizational Leadership is undergoing a massive change and restructuring is planned, wherein your company would be hiring Leaders (Heads for various Business Units) from the industry to take your organization forward. 

Now with the requirement in our focus, we should design our Job Description (Do remember every hiring and at all levels should have a JD). The Leadership of an Agile organization is responsible for leading and implementing the company’s strategic vision, objectives, and goals in an Agile environment. They are accountable for developing and executing strategies that drive the organization’s growth and success while promoting a culture of agility, innovation, and continuous improvement.

Having the wrong leaders in an Agile organization can have a significant negative impact on organizational performance and the team’s productivity. Here are some potential consequences:

  • Slow decision-making: Agile teams require quick decision-making and responsiveness to changing requirements. If leaders are indecisive or take too long to make decisions, it can slow down the team’s progress.
  • Lack of clarity and direction: Agile teams require clear goals and direction to work effectively. If leaders are unclear or constantly changing their minds, it can cause confusion and make it difficult for the team to focus on their tasks.
  • Poor communication: Effective communication is critical in Agile teams. If leaders are poor communicators or don’t listen to their team members, it can cause misunderstandings, delays, and ultimately result in poor-quality work.
  • Lack of trust: Agile teams require a high level of trust between team members and their leaders. If leaders don’t trust their team members or their abilities, it can create a negative atmosphere and lead to decreased morale and motivation.
  • Lack of support: Agile teams require support from their leaders to be successful. If leaders are unsupportive or don’t provide the necessary resources, it can hinder the team’s ability to deliver high-quality.

If you or your organization has a dysfunctional leadership, then it can be challenging, but several steps can be taken to address the situation and promote a more collaborative and effective leadership culture. Hiring the right candidate is a critical element of the game and the first step that your company should be embarking upon.

In one of my previous engagements, we experienced a significant negative impact of Leadership approach and behavior on their organizations, agile teams, and employees. Listed here are some of the ways in which poor leadership had adverse effects on the entire journey:

  • Low Morale: It created an environment of low morale and a lack of motivation among employees. This led to high turnover rates and low productivity and a lot of sick leaves. 
  • Poor Performance: When we experienced ineffective leadership, it resulted in poor performance from employees. This led to missed deadlines, and sub-standard quality, and this resulted in missed revenue targets.
  • Unhealthy Workplace Culture: Poor leadership in the organization led to a toxic workplace culture that was characterized by favoritism, discrimination, and harassment.
  • Lack of Direction: Poor leadership did not provide clear direction and vision for the organization. This resulted in confusion (across all levels), frustration, and a lack of focus among employees, causing considerable wastage of resources and missed opportunities.

Now with this background, let’s identify what are the good attributes of a Leader in an Agile Organization and check for these thoughts and approaches when you engage any person who would be part of your leadership team:

  • Visionary:  Good leaders have a clear vision of where the organization is heading and communicate it effectively to the team. They inspire and motivate the team to work towards a common goal.
  • Agile Mindset: Having an Agile mindset and being open to change is vital. They embrace the Agile principles and values and lead by example. They promote a culture of continuous improvement and experimentation.
  • Servant Leadership: Effective leaders practice servant leadership. They focus on serving the team and removing impediments that hinder the team’s progress. They empower the team to make decisions and take ownership of their work.
  • Collaborative: A good leader in an Agile organization is collaborative and fosters a culture of collaboration. They encourage cross-functional collaboration and communication to ensure that the team is aligned and working towards the same goal.
  • Effective Communicator: It is important for the leader is an effective communicator. They communicate clearly and regularly with the team and stakeholders. They provide feedback to the team and encourage feedback from the team.
  • Decisive: Ideal leaders make informed decisions in a timely manner and are not afraid to take risks. They allow the Product Owner to prioritize the team’s work and ensure that the team is working on the most valuable work items (they would not and should not interfere in the working of the team).
  • Empathetic: Empathy is an essential quality that leaders should imbibe. They understand the team’s perspective and concerns and consider them when making decisions. They create a safe and inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and respected.
  • Continuous Learner: Leaders must be lifelong learners. They stay up to date with the latest Agile practices and methodologies and encourage the team to do the same. They seek feedback and learn from their mistakes to continuously improve themselves and the team.

One would always want a leader who would provide support, and ensure the team has sufficient resources and support that they need to implement Agile. This may include providing training, coaching, or other support, led by example. Leaders must adopt Model Agile behavior and demonstrate how it can improve the team’s performance. This can help to motivate the team to adopt Agile principles.

Managing an organization that applies and adopts Agile requires patience, persistence, and a willingness to work with the team to find a solution that works for everyone. By educating the team, addressing concerns, starting small, providing support, leading by example, and monitoring progress, you can help the team become more open to Agile and ultimately improve their performance.

How to maintain and sustain a Scrum Team – The Secret Sauce (Engage the Scrum Team Member)

People engagement is a minimum expectation for any team, product, project, and organization. It is a never-ending journey, yet many projects or organizations go awry and lose the required focus. Many organizations fail to embark on that journey. As a result, they’re setting their people (and their bottom lines) up for failure.

Why is people engagement crucial? How do you measure it? Improvements can only come when you know what needs to be done and why, along with the relevant impact or desired change.

What is People engagement?

Many Scrum Masters recognize that engaging the team members plays a critical role in Agile success. But far fewer can define engagement and why it’s so important. What is the so-called engagement? What is the role of Scrum Master in this front?

Team Member engagement is the measure of how motivated a person is within their job, team, and organization. When someone is highly engaged, it means they’re invested in their work, energized by their peers, and committed to their product and/or company’s long-term mission and vision. 

Put simply, engagement measures an employee’s level of satisfaction at a given point in the employment lifecycle. The higher the level of engagement, the greater the likelihood that the person is enjoying a positive experience. By engaging your hard-working folks and low-performers alike, you ensure your people can come to work energized—and deliver their best.

Why is an engaged Scrum Team important?

Flip this question on its head: What happens when your team or a few members of the team are not engaged?

When team members feel disconnected their work begins to suffer which ultimately impacts the product / increment delivery. Team member is less likely to go the extra mile for their others and is going to do the bare minimum to stay afloat in their role. And when they decide their organization can no longer support their growth (professionally, monetarily, or otherwise), they’ll leave for a company that can.

Now imagine that effect multiplied across an entire workforce, and the dangers of disengagement become amply clear.

An engaged Scrum Team is critical to productivity—and, by that definition, it would impact your profitability and customers (directly). 

We do not even count the losses that we have made by hiring the wrong person or backfilling the position. If we start to calculate the amount of time, effort, and energy that is wasted, more so from the management level, our growth in terms of EBITA would be going north. But, alas, it is considered an element of doing business. No doubt that people would leave, but by retaining them for a longer duration, you are increasing your margins, as well as customer satisfaction.

Improvements to the employee experience can also carry over to the customer experience. If you’re taking steps to improve employee satisfaction, chances are your customer satisfaction ratings will get a boost, too. 

Habits of engaged employees and companies.

Engaged team members would have some habits you simply won’t find in other employees. They show up to work with energy and often a genuine smile. They go the extra mile in their role—by working late occasionally or offering to help employees with too much on their plate. Above all else, they’re excellent teammates who contribute to a healthy team dynamic. 

Benefits of engaged team members.

When a team member is engaged, that inner fire tends to spread. Others feel the energy. They spend more discretionary effort and aspire to be better team players. Given are a few of the many benefits of engagement:

  • Higher productivity
  • Greater profitability
  • Lower employee turnover
  • Fewer safety incidents
  • Stronger customer loyalty
  • Lower employee absenteeism

Consider this list of benefits, and the takeaway is clear: Employee engagement can transform your business. 

Make no mistake: A ping-pong table and office snacks aren’t enough to entice today’s talent. More than ever, people want a fail-safe environment—one where they can be their authentic selves, and work in a way that’s both stimulating and sustainable. 

The different levels of engagement

You may know an employee is highly disengaged, but unless you know what is driving disengagement, how are you supposed to take action?

There are four drivers of employee engagement:

  • Job fit: Alignment between an employee’s responsibilities and their natural tendencies and career aspirations 
  • Manager fit: The relationship between the employee and their manager.
  • Team fit: Chemistry with teammates, and overall team cohesion
  • Organizational fit: connection to senior leadership and the company culture

When a team member achieves fitment across all four factors of engagement, they’re more likely to be engaged overall. By contrast, when one or more factors are lacking—a person doesn’t gel with their team, the culture, etc.—they’re more likely to become disengaged over time. 

One size doesn’t fit all when it comes to engagement. Job satisfaction may look wildly different to one team member as compared to another—it all depends on each person’s natural behavioral drives. By understanding how to motivate your scrum team members based on their unique needs, Scrum Master can ensure that they are taking an active approach to prevent disengagement and improving the experience.

Don’t try to boil the ocean. When in doubt, look for ways—even if seemingly small—to improve one or more of the four drivers of engagement. 

Here are some examples of ways to improve engagement:

  • Have regular career pathing discussions with your team members.
  • Build awareness as a Scrum Master and address relationship gaps.
  • Encourage a healthy work-life balance (and lead by example).
  • Build trust by leading remote-friendly team-building activities.
  • Recognize your Scrum Team Members for a job well done, or when a Sprint has gone well (more so publicly than privately).
  • Write personalized “thank you” cards for your team members.
  • Embrace hybrid work by allowing people to choose where they work (as long as the work is getting done, the goals and objectives are achieved of the product/sprint).

Once the Scrum Master discovers effective employee engagement best practices, it’s time to think about the bigger picture with the strategy. Scrum Master should take a proactive approach by surveying the team members about their experiences with the project/organization. Identify the biggest opportunity areas, so one can swiftly act on their feedback.

Investing in and measuring engagement

Investing in engagement today can pay dividends in the long term—but only if you know how to measure your progress.

Collecting employee feedback has always been important, but now it’s mission critical. Organizations live in a post-COVID world—one dominated by discussions about mental health, social equity, and personal freedom. Throw economic uncertainty into the mix, and you could make a strong argument that employee engagement is in a recession of its own.

The impact of managers and leadership on engagement

As a Scrum Master, you have an outsized impact on engagement. It’s incumbent that you don’t just listen to your people, but that you advocate and fight for them.

Taking action is a collaborative process. Give your people the forum to voice their opinions and propose ideas for change. Once you’ve agreed upon a plan of action, see to it that you follow through on that plan. Lead by example and encourage other leaders / Scrum Masters across the organization to follow suit.

The role of engaged employees in your hiring process.

Engagement doesn’t just make for a great employee experience—it makes for a great hiring experience, too.

One of the best ways to create a world-class onboarding experience is to involve existing employees, preferably high performers already in the role. Doing so can help accelerate a new hire’s training while providing invaluable mentors they can lean on in their first 30 days.

By having engaged team members, you ensure new hires are exposed to the very best your organization has to offer. By contrast, if you let disengaged team members run the show, you risk discouraging new talent before they even wrap up their first day.

Identifying disengaged employees at your workplace 

A proactive approach to engagement isn’t without its flaws. Employees can still fall through the cracks and become disengaged.

Put simply, the four factors of engagement can double as “four forces of disengagement.” 

You can probe for these negative forces with the right conversations. If you sense morale is low among a group of employees, bring it up privately during your next one-on-one meeting. Consider asking the following questions:

  • Are you enjoying your current role?
  • Do you feel supported by the team?
  • In what ways can I improve as a Scrum Master?
  • How do you feel about the state of the company?

Disengaged employees are never a lost cause. Equip yourself with effective tools—and a positive mindset—and you’ll ensure you’re setting up your people for success.

Look forward for your feedback and comments … your personal experience on this front, we all can share and learn from each other’s experience

Gemba Walk – A method to collect requirements & observe current approach of working (Forgotten tool in the industry)

A Gemba Walk is the practice of Product Owners, Product Managers, Business Analyst personally observe the place where work is being done. The original Japanese term comes from gembutsu, which means “real thing” or “real place.” Thus, the Gemba is wherever work happens, and value is added to products or services. The Gemba may be a production floor, an emergency room, a construction site, or a classroom.

During a Gemba Walk, PO’s / PM’s should physically go to the places where people are putting together products or using them, helping customers, analyzing data, maintaining machinery, or any other process. The philosophy behind Gemba Walks rests on the idea that it is easier to gather feedback, spot process or workspace issues, and build trust with the team by observing work firsthand. Employees tend to be more open to pointing out opportunities for improvement or sharing concerns when they are in their own workplace.

PO’s / PM’s who have committed to Gemba Walks typically spend about 60 minutes a week at the Gemba. They pay careful attention, ask questions, and observe processes, The idea is to catch on ground information and understand the nature of work getting performed

Some Tips on doing a GEMBA walk:

  • Define a clear focus – In terms of what is to be observed? Who is to be observed? What is the purpose and scope of my learning?
  • Communicate with the Team Before the Walk:You don’t want your client / end users to feel blindsided by a Gemba Walk – it isn’t a surprise inspection, rather it is a technique for collecting requirements, it is essential to describe the purpose of Gemba Walks and let the team know what to expect. Open communication in advance will help people feel more comfortable and foster engagement.
  • Pay Attention to the Handoffs: If you follow the value stream, you will likely find that all the stakeholders and output of that process along with the handoffs between processes, peoples, or departments. Those areas may yield the most potential for eliminating waste.
  • It’s not about just observation: The process of capturing the information / data is very important.
  • Separate Observations from Interpretation: Pay heed and attention to the methods of working, work around solutions as used, challenges faced, discussions between 2 people (do OSMOTIC communication – do not participate)
  • Pay attention to routines and details: Qualify how long a work takes (measure it), Quantitative analysis can be easily visualized with charts and graphs and more meaningful insights can be obtained.
  • Based on all of the above: Obtain new insights on how the problem is resolved today and how the process is lived in the real world
  • Do not fire or make judgement calls.
  • Follow Up: After your walk is over, be sure to follow-up with the teams, let them know what you learned and ask for additional input. It’s a good idea to close the loop so people aren’t left wondering about your impressions.

Gemba Walk Checklist

Every time when a PO / PM performs a Gemba walk, they will need to prepare a checklist in advance. This list will help them focus and target their efforts in right direction.

The checklist has to include questions that will help understand the process that they are going to observe in a better way. Questions may vary depending on the theme of your Gemba walk.

Here are some basic Gemba walk checklist questions:

Use Gemba walks a means to collect needs, observe the current behavior and work as performed, challenges, If possible speak to end users or doer’s of the process, understand their needs and viewpoints.

Perform this activity for multiple days and across different segments of people, this would enable you to focus on different situations and scenarios that may come up.

Empathy – A tool for better understanding of our end users and solution users

Several times in my career, I have heard many people / gurus say to use Empathy as a tool to better understand your customers and their needs, their behaviors’, their pains, and their future outlook. The idea is empathy would only provide the experience from the past and not give any new insights in the needs and requirements of the future.

A lot of us (including me) get confused, when we speak about Persona and Empathy … are they similar concepts, do they capture and provide similar information, how are they to be used, when are they to be used, what is the value proposition of using them, which one is a better approach?

This document of mine would try and shed some light on the Empathy part and hopefully in future we shall explore the depth of Persona also.

Empathy map is a tool for target audience analysis. It is used to identify feelings, thoughts and attitudes of existing or potential users / customers and understand their needs, The idea is to obtain in-depth insights on potential users by means of what, why and how questions. Empathy maps focus more on the emotional state of customers.

Let’s first focus on the usage and value that Empathy would provide:

  • It would help us better understand and appreciate insights from testing or observations with the users and capture different perspectives
  • Helps understand where the user has problems or potential benefits
  • Helps to collect findings to build Persona

Empathy map as a tool should be used in conjunction with other tools like Customer Journey mapping, Persona / User Profiling and Value proposition canvas

When doing Empathy mapping with the customer, ensure that we have 2 people, one person documents and records the information while the other would-be posing questions. Typically, this should max 30-45 mins of session

Use a template for Empathy map where you record everything about the customer such as:

  • Think & feel
  • Hear
  • See
  • Say & Do
  • Pains
  • Gains

Use questions such as:

  • Where is the customer? What do they see?
  • Who influences them, with whom do they interact / communicate?
  • What emotions are driving the customer
  • What does it say about their attitude?
  • Where does the customer behave in a contractionary manner?
  • What are their biggest challenges / pain areas?
  • What are the opportunities and benefits they may have?

While doing this exercise, focus on human values – like thoughts, opinions, feelings, emotions (at times these may not be directly available, you have may to infer based on their body language, tone, word selection).

Pay special attention to contradictions, often we can identify something new from what the customer says and the way they behave.

Using this data, analysis all the edge cases, dig into unique behaviors and identify what are we building … why are we building, will it serve the purpose?

Empathy mapping is a unique tool that a Product Owner or a Business Analyst should have in their armory to better serve and engage the End User community, better your tools, product and services are aligned to the end user … higher is the potential for your products to dominate the market.

Again it should never be one size that fits all.